Acne breakouts are already frustrating for many. But the scars left by acne can be even more stressful. Are you also struggling with getting your smooth and soft skin back? Do acne scars shatter your confidence? Have all the creams and medicines failed? You don’t have to fret over.
The good news is acne scars can be treated. Below, we will explain how to treat your acne scar and make your skin look the best. So stick with us and read on.
Once the acne is healed, its presence might still be visible on the skin in the form of scars. These scars usually occur when the body is trying to heal the wounds caused by acne. This results in excessive collagen to appear in the skin, which stays permanently and causes scarring.
At many times, what may seem like a scar is simply excessive pigmentation.Acne scar treatments are designed to reduce the appearance of the acne scarring with the help of latest technologies. These treatments tackle different types of acne and its scarring. Before you start any acne treatment, it is recommended that you take consultation with an expert dermatologist.
There are various benefits of relying on acne scar treatment. For instance, these treatments can be performed on any individual, regardless of skin type and age. Many treatments usually take less than an hour and involve little to no downtime.
It is crucial to identify the types of scarring you have before opting for any treatment. Acne tends to affect almost everyone at one point in their lives. However, every person experiences acne in a different way. For some, acne can be mild or moderate. Others go through severe acne, which is sometimes painful as well.
Healed acne usually leaves light red or brown marks, which can be treated over time. However, severe acne can cause permanent scarring. Such scarring also occurs when you pick or squeeze your acne. Below, we have outlined some common types of acne scars:
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The flat, shallow depressions that appear on the skin after acne are known as altrophic scars. These scars usually occur if the patient has experienced severe cystic acne. The appearance of these scars also differs according to the person’s experience with the acne.
For instance, some patients have box-like depressions, called Boxcar scars. These occur due to chickenpox, varicella, and widespread acne. Many patients also get ice pick scars, usually on their cheeks. These scars are smaller but have narrow indentations. However, they require extensive scar removal treatments. Rolling scars are also some common altrophic scars that have sloping edges.
These scars appear as raised lumps on the area where the acne once occurred. This usually happens when the scar tissue has built up in the skin. One characteristic of the hypertrophic scar is that they are of the same size as the acne-causing them. On the other hand, keloid scars tend to grow in different areas as well.
Both of these scars are usually common on areas like the chest, shoulders, back, and jawline. People who have darker skin colours are also known to experience these scars more due to their skin conditions.
In most cases, when the acne heals, it leaves a dark or discoloured patch on the skin. Such patches tend to treat on their own, mostly if you use adequate sun protection. However, hyperpigmentation also occurs when the skin has been damaged by the acne, or you picked at the acne. Luckily, no specific acne scar removal treatment is needed in these cases, as the acne can heal on its own.
There are various types of treatment that can prove to be effective in treating acne scars. One thing to remember is that acne scars are quite stubborn. Therefore, a single treatment might not be effective in fully restoring the beauty of your skin. Nevertheless, here are some treatments that can prove to be useful:
The way you treat your skin daily also matters. Having constructive skincare treatment can help in improving the look of your skin. For instance, bio-oil and massage are particularly useful in treating hypertrophic and keloid scars.
This treatment involves injecting collagen or fat under the skin. With this treatment, the skin can be stretched, or the indented scars can be filled in. In this way, the scars will be less visible on the skin.
This procedure is particularly useful for patients experiencing severe scarring. It involves removal of skin’s top layer with the help of a rapidly rotating wire brush. Using this method, surface scars can be removed entirely.
Procedures that use lasers, radiofrequency devices, and pulsed light sources can reduce the visibility of scars on the skin without affecting the skin in any way. However, the treatment needs to be repeated quite a few times for significant results.
While we may not recommend surgery, you can also go with this method. Minor procedures such as punch excision involve the doctor cutting out the acne scars and then repairing the wound using a skin graft. Another way to perform the surgery is through subcision when the doctor inserts a needle under the skin to loosen it and improve its appearance.
Some of the best acne dermatologists in Singapore will recommend you to opt for laser treatments. These treatments focus the light on the topmost layers of the skin, causing the scar tissues to break down. The treatment also prompts the growth of healthy skin cells to replace the scar tissues.
While this treatment cannot treat the acne scars on its own, it can still be beneficial in reducing the appearance of the wounds. The treatment causes minimal pain and involves almost no downtime.
Laser acne scar treatment primarily targets the face. But it can also be employed for treating acne on the arms, upper torso, neck, and the back. If you have a darktone or wrinkles, the treatment might not be beneficial for you. However, a dermatologist will be better able to tell whether a laser treatment will work for you or not.
Some laser treatments, such as the ablative laser treatment, produce permanent results. However, the effects of the treatment are dependent on the severity of the scar and how well your skin has responded to the treatment. On the other hand, laser resurfacing or the non-ablative treatment can generate permanent results in case the scarring on the skin is mild.
However, in such cases, it might take some time until the results of the treatment are apparent. Additional treatments are rarely needed in the future. However, the scarring can sometimes re-occur.
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Everyone goes through the painful experience of acne scars one time or another. It is crucial that you maintain a healthy diet and follow an appropriate skin care routine to minimize the effects of acne scars. In case of severe scars, consult your dermatologist and go for a treatment.
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